Friday, 19 July 2019

A review of anger from Ayurved & conquering uncontrolled anger with Yama-Niyama from Yoga

Author–             Vd Savita Nilakhe,
                                     Asso.Prof.M.D.Ayurved, M.A. (Sanskrit), BVDUCOA,Pune
Co-Author-         Prof.  Dr. Mrs.Y. V.  Joshi 
                                    M.D.Ph.D.(Ayu)M.A.M. Phil.(Sanskrit), 
Key Words–Anger,Yoga,Yama,Niyama,Ayurved
              Health is state of complete physical, social and mental well-being.  Hence to achieve complete health, healthy body & healthy mind both are expected. But in today’s era, utmost society is suffering from physical, mental or psychosomatic unhealthy conditions. Etiological factors responsible for them are dietary behavioral & mental.  They result into life style disorders & in turn early death. Among them percentage of psychological factors like excess greed, fear, anger etc. is increased in today’s era due to no mind control. Hence some solutions of mind control are needed. In this article, an Ayurvedic review of anger along with the overview of Ayurvedic mind controlling therapy(Satvavajaya) is explained whereas its Performing mechanism is very well enlightened through Yoga. Yoga is the only science of mind. Yama & Niyama are the initial two components of Ashtangayoga. They guide us about what should not be & should be done respectively.  Sub factors of Yama Niyama which certainly control unwanted anger are highlighted here along with their performing mechanism. Thus this paper has an integration of Yoga-Ayurved & is certainly helpful to conquer anger.
Aim–To establish a method of conquering uncontrolled anger by performing Yama-Niyama from Yoga.
Objectives–To compile, analyze & interpret references of anger from Ayurvedic literature.
                   To explain sub factors of YAMA-NIYAMA supportive to conquer uncontrolled anger along with their way of their application.
Materials–literature from Ayurvedic & Yoga.
Method-Compilation, analysis & interpretation of references of anger is done .
               Importance of control on unwanted anger is highlighted.
              Proper mechanism of anger control through initial two tools of Ashtanga Yoga is established.
Discussion–Ayurved has explored a concept of anger mainly through following points.
Nature of anger - Anger is a feeling of hatred against the person or situation. Due to such feeling, body & mind appears to be burning. It is a natural emotion that everybody experiences. This emotional state differs in intensity from mild to intense irritation. When one reacts to criticism or frustration he may become angry and usually this is a healthy response. Sometimes anger is a normal function of Pitta or developed due to aggravated Raja. It may be a secondary response to feeling sad, lonely or frightened. This type of secondary response, if continued for longer time it may becomes uncontrollable. Uncontrolled anger compels a person to behave wrongfully. Such person may take a pleasure by dishonoring other. It may be accompanied by physiological\biological changes.
Anger as a cause of various diseases–Ayurved science has clearly mentioned that ill mental status certainly makes an adverse effect on body as they are closely interlinked with each other. According to this concept, uncontrolled anger acts as an etiological factor of various physical pathogenesis.  Main disorders caused due to anger mentioned in Ayurvedic literature are as follows.
 Diseases caused by Anger
Immediate & severe weight loss
Vitiation of Blood
Fever due to aggravated Pitta
Diabetes due to aggravated Pitta
Vitiation of Swedvahasrotas(channels carrying sweat)
Abortion or fetal distress
Destruction of semen\sperm leading to infertility
Destruction  of Vigor(Ojonash)
Alcoholism due to dominant  Pitta
Conversion of curable wound into incurable conditions
Graying of hair
lessening in the breast milk
Bleeding from different parts of body (Raktapitta)

Causes of anger Ancient spiritual literature like Bhagvadgeeta, Puranagrantha etc. have coated their views about the onset of anger. According to Bhagvadgeeta, improper desire of adopting pleasure through sensory objects directs the person toward their excess compilation which leads to their inappropriate attachment & momentary happiness. Person is made habitual by regular episodes of enjoyments & suddenly gets angry due to their unavailability. Other causes are grief, sexual frustration, rudeness, tiredness, hunger, pain, drug-withdrawal, pre-menstrual syndrome, physical or mental illness, alcohol abuse & drug abuse, etc.
   Stringent conditions of avoidance of anger-Some conditions like pregnancy, initial stage of fever, herpes zoster etc. where anger must be strictly avoided. For eg.
 1) Fever & Harpis Zoster-Both are caused by dominant Pitta. Hence anger must be avoided as it results into aggravated Pitta.
2) Pregnancy–Physical & mental condition of a pregnant woman has an imperative role in t fetal growth. Hence excess anger is harmful for the survival of the fetus.
Activities like exercise & Collyrium(Anjan) are must be avoided during the phase of anger to maintain mental relaxation.
Treatment of anger-Ayurvedic treatment of anger is direct or indirect.
1) Direct Treatment-
a) Treatment for the management of Pitta is helpful to cure Anger.
b)  Nasya-Anger can be controlled by induction of Avapidak Nasya.
c) Dhumapan -Dhumapan is useful to prevent from recurrent  episode of anger.
d) Sleep - Although the day sleep is not permitted by Ayurved still it is prescribed to reduce the severity of anger because in the phase of sleep mind becomes free from thought process & thus get relaxed
2)Treatment of disease generated by Anger–In chronic stage,  if anger has caused some disorders given in the above list then a proper management of that disease becomes essential along with the above said treatment.
View of Yoga to control anger-
Above Ayurvedic guidelines can be understood & followed by calm & stable mind but how to pursue them in actual phase of anger is a question. Yoga is the only solution for this. This science has mentioned preventive-curative aspects to overcome the destructive anger.
Preventive aspect–Yama–Niyama, the initial two components of Ashtanga yoga are helpful for them. These moral backbones of yoga are useful in developing a positive personality. Regular practice of Yama and Niyama works in dealing with every attraction by calling pure and restraining thoughts. When the mind becomes pure it attains the state of steadiness channelized properly. It also directs intellect. Properly directed intellect definitely governs mind & mind becomes free from negative & destructive emotions like anger.
Yamas(abstention) are Ahimsa(Nonviolence), Satya(truthfulness), Asteya(nonstealing), Brahmacharya(celibacy) and Aparigraha(non-possessiveness) whereas Niyamas(observances) are Shaucha (physical\mental\verbal purity),  Santosha(contentment), Tapas(persistent meditation), Svādhyāya(study of self) and Ishvara-Pranidhana(contemplation of God). They are directly or indirectly beneficial to overcome uncontrolled anger.
 Asteya , 


Following the yamas means sticking to ideals and principles.
Ahimsa(non-violence)-One must remove cruel nature and develop vast love. Only then person can stay away from destructive anger.
Satya(truthfulness)- It is essential to remove illusions\unreality.  Thought must agree with word and word with action. This is truthfulness. Thinking of one thing, saying another and doing another is dishonesty. By telling lies one pollutes his principles and infects subconscious mind leading indirectly to anger.
Asteya(non-stealing)- It is important to develop moral consciousness. Unwanted desire\thirst is the root cause of stealing resulting indirectly to anger.
Brahmacharya(continence)-It is a divine attribute. Ayurved has related celibacy with Shukra Dhatu. Mind & Shukra are interlinked. Proper application of celibacy keep mental health & negative emotions like anger are indirectly prevented.
 Aparigraha(non-covetousness)-It makes a person free from sensual passion, unnecessary wants to possess and enjoy. Thus it is helpful to generate a feeling of satisfaction. Aparigraha imparts peace and satisfaction by removing negative emotions like anxiety, jealousy, anger etc.
Shaucha(purity)- Removal of lust\anger\greed\jealousy etc. constitutes is internal purity.  It makes the mind one-pointed & gives calmness. It instills love and patience.
Santosha- It means a willingness to accept things as they are and to make the best of them.It cuts the root of all desires, gives peace, serenity and satisfaction & directly controls anger.
Tapas: Tapas is yogic practice of meditation leading to mind control. It increases patience & keep a balanced mind in all conditions of life to bear insult, injury & indirectly prevents from anger.
Swadhyaya: Swadhyaya or self-study is enquiry into the nature of the self.It fills the mind with sattwa, inspires mind, cuts new positive channel in the mind and makes the mind run in it thus prevent anger.
Ishwara pranidhana-Surrender to God is Ishwara pranidhana. It is supreme-feeling which helps for the removal of negativity like destructive anger.
In this way application of Yama-Niyama is fruitful to prevent anger. But sometime destructive anger is developed due to no mind control. Then curative aspect of  Yoga becomes vital.
Curative aspect-
Tatpratipaksha Bhavana is the special treatment prescribed by Yoga to overcome abnormal mental feelings. Here its role in treating anger is explored. Tatpratipaksha Bhavana is the constructive mental emotion which is exactly opposite to the already developed destructive one. If mind is affected by uncontrolled anger, one should think about its harmful effects on mind & body & immediately try to depart from it. If such opposite but positive emotion is developed timely then anger can be certainly conquered or at least its severity is minimized. This process is hard & tricky. Also it is not possible without proper intellect because mind is always attacked by negativity. Imbalanced mind with egoism generates destructive anger. If intellect is capable to direct imbalanced mind towards positivity mind will be kept itself away from egoism. Thus the phase of anger can treated successfully.
Conclusion-     Ayurvedic review of anger show that destructive anger has dangerous side effects leading to severe health issues.
                        Application of Yama Niyama is the only preventive & Tatpratipakhabhavana is curative measure to overcome it.