Friday, 18 March 2016

Ayurved & Yoga

The prime purpose of Āyurveda is to keep the person away from the diseases and if disease occurs, then to fight against it. This concept is called as Svāsthyarakşaņa and Vyādhiparimokşa respectively. In the above preventive and curative concept, normalcy of Śarīra and Mana both are expected. It proves that, Manahsvāsthya is also an important aspect mentioned in Āyurveda. Life of an individual may run properly on its normal wheels named as body and mind. The latter aspect i.e. remedy of mind with its extensiveness is discussed here.

If one goes through the Āyurvedika Samhitās written by Sages, he finds the structure in the form of Trisutrīs viz. Hetu, Linga and Auşadha. A wide knowledge of Śarīra is obtained from Trisutrīs as compared to that of Mana.